What does Freedom feel like for you?

Is the future the same as now, but with worse hangovers?

How many more years do you want to spend trying to figure it all out on your own? Waiting for the day to come where you miraculously just don’t care if there’s wine? What is drinking costing your relationships, your confidence, your bank account, your health?

If you don’t take the support you deserve now, when will you create the life you really want? When will you feel like your real self?

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

-Wayne Dyer

Does this sound familiar?

  • The highlight of your day is a drink

  • It’s your only way to relax or cope

  • Nothing feels good any more

  • You never stop after a couple of glasses

  • You experience interrupted anxiety-filled nights

  • You start the day feeling defeated and filled with regret

  • You’re exhausted and overwhelmed

  • Your relationships are suffering

  • Your confidence is crushed

  • You’re worried about the future


Imagine how you would feel:

  • To understand the real reasons you drink

  • To decide when and how you drink

  • To feel fantastic and you look fabulous!

  • To have deep, restful sleep and plenty of energy!

  • To improve your relationships

  • To have connected with your true self, and she’s amazing!

  • To have learned the tools and tactics you need for every situation


 The COACHING process

For Long Lasting Change



It’s all about what you have to gain! We will examine all the ideas that may be keeping you stuck and holding you back from making the changes you want.


There is so much to learn, and most of all about yourself! With my help you will start questioning all your beliefs and start shifting your thinking around drinking.  

The Facts

With a smattering of science, we will examine the facts, so that you can make informed choices.



We will explore tactics and tools with real-life practice, and build your excitement for a new dynamic.


Clarity will empower you to set your goals, and your guardrails, to create the life you don’t want to blur.

Real Life

I will help you lay the foundations for lasting success, and provide support and accountability. You are the expert on your life, and you decide what’s working. Together we will work towards your goals, and celebrate your wins, big and small!

Choose Your Path

Sharp Sense
Individual Coaching

Weekly 1:1 coaching

Daily check in

Email support (tactics, tools, deep dive questions)

We will do the work side by side and I will provide you with support, accountability and practical tools you can use in any situation.


6 weeks programme

Intimate group

Weekly coaching

Check in support

Practical tools and tactics 

A safe, compassion-led and judgement-free space. We will work together to prepare, set you up for success, and a fun, liberating break from drinking. Who knows what could happen!

“Susan listens with compassion and understanding and is able to get to the heart of the problem and what needs to be shifted, I felt so much better and able to move forward after our sessions. I went from an emotional wreck to feeling clear headed and relieved.

-Laura D.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Is this right for me?

When you work with me, you will rebuild your relationship with yourself, improve your relationships with others, feel great, look great and find freedom from your old drinking habits. Changing our relationship with alcohol is a process and this isn’t a quick fix. You will invest in yourself and your future, and I will help you do the work you need to do, for a lasting change. If you know something has to change and you’re ready to explore, this is for you.

What is coaching anyway?

Coaching provides you with a safe, objective space to explore your challenges, and test out solutions. As your coach, I will not give you advice, opinion or judgement, and I won’t tell you what to do. I won’t give you the answers, because you know them already.

I will guide you and help you learn new ways of thinking, to find your own answers and make the changes you need to achieve your goals.

What happens after I book my first step call?

We will have a confidential, no shame and no blame chat about your drinking and how you want alcohol to feature in your life. I will share my story, some resources and we can identify a way forward.

Be it either 1:1 coaching or in a small group, you will be the one to decide. If we decide to work together, we will establish your goals and tailor your programme.

What if I change my mind?

No problem, we can figure out next steps, whether it be with coaching from me or another coach. The most important thing is that you have decided to make a change in your life.

What’s the difference between Therapy and coaching?

Therapy will help you process emotions and experiences from your past, that you may not already have dealt with. Coaching is forward looking, and will provide you with the tools to move towards your goals. Coaching is based on the premise that your thoughts create your emotions and ultimately your behaviour. The focus is on reframing your thoughts and beliefs so that you create the life you want without feeling the need to buffer. Coaching and therapy can also work in parallel.

What if I don’t want to quit drinking?

Whatever your goal, it is yours alone. You are the one to decide how you want your relationship with alcohol to look. Whether you want to continue drinking and moderate, or quit altogether coaching will provide you with the framework to make informed choices and set the parameters that work the best for you.

It’s time to do something different.

Are you ready for your best?